Just another thought...

It's the things that make you go mmmm..

Kisa was a gift to me <3 Thank you for the memories..I also had BooCat adopted for me..Thank you for everything

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

February the 14th.

I don't celebrate Valentines day at all. Just as well really. I don't have to expect anything.

Anyway, while I was doing my Nursing Degree, for English we had to write an essay on a "holiday". I choose Valentines day. Don't ask me why..

I could have had Christmas..Easter...anything, but me being me, I decided that I was going to find out about one that wasn't an "obvious" choice.

I barely remember all the things I found out. My extensive research now eludes me. But I do remember that there was several different things about Valentines Day. One that stuck in my mind was that it was something to do with a man people saw as a Saint. Well who cares?

You know, today being the day when all and sundry go crazy for "love" I decided to Google the word Love. Yes I guess I am not the only person to do this.. Anyway I found this what I thought was interesting article about all the chemical effects on Love..


So it is true after all that being in Love drives you crazy...
Man life is cruel to us women.. we have rushes of chemicals to much.. what with Love...Monthlies..Child Birth..

Can I just become a hermit???