"> Just another thought...

It's the things that make you go mmmm..

Kisa was a gift to me <3 Thank you for the memories..I also had BooCat adopted for me..Thank you for everything

Sunday, July 14, 2024

I have a tale to tell...

 So this year.. I just recently lost my dad. Strange to say that, especially as he was already "lost" to me. He would have been 73 he died 2 weeks before that.. a week before my birthday.. died owing me a drink.. but I can forgive him after all.. he's dead. 

My number three son has decided that his partner of 9 years is "the one" and they will be made official in a couple of weeks time. So I have gone from a funeral to a wedding.. two weddings, in fact, my brother has decided that he has also found the one. .after meeting her just after our father died.. no comment.

Life seems not to have "settled" down for me. At the grand age I am I had hoped that I would be "comfortable" in my life, having spent the majority of it "fighting" one thing or another. Grandkids seem to bring a whole other set of problems. It is strange saying grandkids and yet your own children are still here. 
I am currently taking five from making wedding decorations, trying to spray a wooden easel a different colour is very entertaining. 
The ex is invited to this wedding.. he would be my son's father and all.. and to be honest I am not exactly sure how to feel about it. I know that my ex has something in store.. he volunteered to give money towards the food.. see and there is the thing.. I kinda knew he would as its food.. but as yet I have not worked out what the catch is.. I am NOT giving him a "lift" and I am NOT doing anything for him. In fact, as soon as I can I am giving him the money back, I know it's going to turn bad at some point. Not looking forward to all the goings on that will be at my home for the next few days. I am escaping for a week after though, but the fact that I will have grandchildren with me is not really an escape as such.  My son will come back and start a new job as a bus driver.. strange he's following in my dad's footsteps. 
The daughter is a big traveller, enjoying herself being able to drive. She has taken on a mission of getting to California for the upcoming wedding of one of her friends. Kudos to her.. at 21 I had 1 kid and was pregnant with another, home and a terrible husband so I am happy she didn't follow me!   

The weather at the moment here is like a psychotic female.. hot one minute the next pouring down, making it hard to decide on what to wear or what to do.. my garden is loving it.. I however am not looking forward to going out there and tackling the weeds. I also need to do my car!

Anyway, the cat is reminding me that I have not had my cup of tea or given her, her breakfast yet.. so I am going to take leave.. I will be back after the wedding probably! 

Take care of you x


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