"> Just another thought...

It's the things that make you go mmmm..

Kisa was a gift to me <3 Thank you for the memories..I also had BooCat adopted for me..Thank you for everything

Monday, December 03, 2018

Time.. "whoosh"

It's December. Not too cold yet.. no snow either. Mother's birthday is coming up, so is my number two son's. It has been an eventful year... I can not believe that it is nearly over. Mother moved in, in February and sorry to say it has been hard work. I did not think that she would be so dependent on me, for the most part, it is ok. But I am craving my own time. She is due to go with my brother for a while. She is protesting though. I know that it is bad but I am secretly hoping that she will stay there. If I am not at work, then she has me running around after her. She relies on me to entertain her and to be honest if I am not at work I want to be doing my own stuff. Cruel? Yes, I think it is but I was so looking forward to making my own life goals as my kids are not little anymore. I was liking the idea of being single and taking off when I wanted to. She has made me feel bad cause I am off to Greece next year on a girlie holiday.. disliking my friend because she blames her for taking me away?
So I am currently planning what to do while she is away. I need to mount a television on the wall, get her a new bed and a fire surround. If she doesn't come back then I will need to get a new sofa and sort my living room out again and return it to a living room. Time will tell.
So I became a grandma again. Another granddaughter. This time it is son number 3. They are trying to sort out a place together so they can be a proper little family. Eldest son and his ex are having a major standoff, She is refusing him to see their daughter. I am hoping that gets resolved for the better this coming year. Also hoping that doesn't happen to my other sons. Son number 4 had a scare and thought he was going to become a father.. he was not best pleased. Hoping that he has learnt a lesson though. All the kids have jobs which is nice to report, They are finding their own way. I still have wars with their father over nothing things. It is so irritating I wish he would get swallowed up


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