"> Just another thought...

It's the things that make you go mmmm..

Kisa was a gift to me <3 Thank you for the memories..I also had BooCat adopted for me..Thank you for everything

Saturday, November 12, 2016

And breathe...again

In my job I work mainly with the guys. I am usually scheduled on the mid shifts which are from 1 in the afternoon and I usually finish at about 9 at night. Sometimes I am lucky enough to get earlier shifts, and I can always turn shifts down or get them changed if I have to. I find that I am really the only female in our department that works these shifts. The other girls usually work morning to afternoon (up until about 3-4 pm) when they then rush off home and play mummy and wifey.

I had an interesting conversation with one of the guys this evening. We had just had a drive off, and I was in the process of pulling the paperwork out when he spun around and asked me if that is how he sees me, as some kind of secretary. Then he went on to bemoan about how he likes doing paperwork and doesn't see it as "women's work" i was taken aback to be honest. I am used to paper woks and whatever having previously been an administrator it just comes naturally. I didn't think that he would want to do it! I handed it over and let him continue. Afterwards our conversation went onto the male/female divide, marriage verses being single (he is a married man, with a baby soon too be born) and female mechanics versus men. Was overall an interesting shift! What we did deduce from all the conversations is that women while physically weaker in some aspects, may be able to give a guy a "run for his money" in this day and age it is all about equality. There are somethings that as a women we cannot do obviously but he has been very surprised by my enthusiasm apparently!

I like my current job and I am looking into training for something along my original nursing background, something I can do alongside the job I currently do. More on this to come!

For now I potter about in my car, "mums taxi".. and spoil it rotten.. new hand held hoover, car decal "children on board"..wheel pressure gauge and inflation.. this thing has something new almost every week!

Life goes on!! Bye for now


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