"> Just another thought...

It's the things that make you go mmmm..

Kisa was a gift to me <3 Thank you for the memories..I also had BooCat adopted for me..Thank you for everything

Friday, April 15, 2016

Guess whose back..

So I missed a month. Yeah about that.. busy busy!!

I am really enjoying things at the moment. I am so glad I changed my job, I actually look forward to going into work. What a difference it has made, the knock on effect to everything else in my life at the moment is huge! I get to enjoy sunny days and adventures and trips and stuff!!

I had a ego boost the other day, while just minding my own business. I guess that lifts moods up as well!

So update.. hmm.. holiday booked.. nights out coming up.. trip to see both my brother and mother up north in the pipeline.. still pottering about.. still writing a book!

Installed a new Fridge (had to switch the doors around), Dishwasher, Washing Machine, Tumble Dryer. The only thing I personally could not put in was the new Cooker. Sense of achievement level high! lol

Anyway been a long day.. got washing to load.. and foods to make for tomorrow!

Night for now! xx


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