"> Just another thought...

It's the things that make you go mmmm..

Kisa was a gift to me <3 Thank you for the memories..I also had BooCat adopted for me..Thank you for everything

Friday, December 21, 2007

Scrooge or a Scroogette ?

It's that time of year again.

Just take a look at the many people that are rushing around the shops. Think of the fortunes that will be sent in the next couple of day's. Think of all the stressed, tired and perplexed people, that are rushing to get that perfect gift for that special someone.. well it is special in their eyes.. then the person open's it.

The long queues at the till's as people are buying up the groceries like crazy..The "discounted" items that are also waaaay overpriced and are "seasonal"..the families that will then be cooking like crazy the next couple of days..the "just got to get the house right" phrase, in case the seasonal tide brings with it guests, who want to insist on polishing off the last of your sherry.

Then there comes the credit card bill. You know.. the one that you have just spent all year trying to clear off..only too now add to it again.. because well "theres all year too pay it off"

In my experience, "Christmas" time has never been a good time..at all.

I am glad that I don't celebrate it. I can "remain" as stressed, and as un-organised as I usually am, without the added burden's of thing's that last five minutes.

Happy Holiday's everyone.


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