"> Just another thought...

It's the things that make you go mmmm..

Kisa was a gift to me <3 Thank you for the memories..I also had BooCat adopted for me..Thank you for everything

Monday, December 10, 2007

Friends.. How many of us have them?

If you are keen eyed you will recognise that the title of this blog, is also a line from a song...

Title:Friends Artist: Whodini Album: Escape

So anyway..

I was reading my friends blog. She has recently been let down, by whom she thought was a very dear friend to her. It has saddened her deeply. Seeing her hurt, has made me take reflection on the friends that I have, and indeed the kind of friend that I am.

I have no problem making friends. Around me there are several that I class to be "close" friends. On looking at my "circle" it is clear that there are a "hard core" element of friends. I tend then to class anyone else as "aquaintences". I think that this is a way that I protect myself. The friends that are closest to me, tend too be the ones that I have known for a very long time. Alot have been through several life changes with me. And I have been through stuff with them. I do not "open-up" to people that I have only known for a short time. I take time too build up trust. That way, if they decide to "leave" then there is nothing really for me too grieve over.

I must admit, I have yet to be really disappointed by a close friend.
That is not including "boy-friends", that is a total different kettle of fish as they say.

Then leads me to think on how I can be a better friend. What exactly can I "give" too improve my friendships. I think that is a question that I will throw out there to my friends who read this..


  • At 4:25 am, Blogger Mr Mans Wife said…

    Yeah, I suppose I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve and trust people too easily. I am a blue crayon though, so I can't help being emotional! :o)


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