"> Just another thought...

It's the things that make you go mmmm..

Kisa was a gift to me <3 Thank you for the memories..I also had BooCat adopted for me..Thank you for everything

Monday, February 07, 2011

Good news..Bad News..

Hello out there.

So I wake up extra early today. I wasn't able to sleep. I guess I had something on my mind, but wasn't to sure as too exactly what. Well I turn over and the "boy friend" is waving at me to put on the headset, he had something he really wanted too ask me.

"Danni, I been up all night, and I been thinking like crazy. Are we going to make it?"

Now bear in mind, I have only just opened my eyes! Isn't it customary to at least say "good morning?" Well you can guess the tone of the next couple of hours.. We were both emotional wrecks about two hours later when he announced he had to go grab a nap. To add too boot, it was decided on his behalf, (I think that is where I go wrong, I assume to early), that we should "call it a day, remain close friends and try to pick it up when I come over"...
Some of that sentence sounds vaguely familiar.. Now I am getting worried. But he proceeds just to log off on me and I'm assuming goes to bed. To which I have heard nothing all day. *shrug*

So onto good news.. I had an appointment at the hospital today, with the consultant. Apparently I am a "prime" candidate for surgery to my stomach. First though, I have to see a psychiatrist, to get some sort of assessment. Then I have to wait too see if I am going to have too pay towards the cost. But I am excited nevertheless.. it has been something I have been waiting on in forever. Though it has put a stop to other plans I wanted to carry out this year. For instance, I won't be able to fly for months after the op.. and I wanted to start driving again.. but I will sacrifice these if I get the go ahead!

So that is the update as things stand currently. I think I am going to curl up in bed with a hot chocolate and a book.. don't feel very much like doing anything else but sleep at the moment.

Take care out there.. the world bites!


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