"> Just another thought...

It's the things that make you go mmmm..

Kisa was a gift to me <3 Thank you for the memories..I also had BooCat adopted for me..Thank you for everything

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Another Saturday rush around.

Had some news that has me rushing around my house like a woman possesed.
A visit to the local B+Q store and suddenly I am full of ideas that I need to be doing to my own house. Two cans of paint, a dado rail and various other DIY equipment later and voila, I am suddenly little miss do it all. Thing is a simple job that should take, oh say half hour the longest, took ummm at least 4 hours... That was just hanging up a curtain pole for the bay window. I now have to transform a kids bedroom into something that an adult could stay in.. I have to.. No, No I don't HAVE TO, but I NEED to transform this room. My mum is coming to stay.. and while I find this lovely, my twelve year old in all his wisdom says to me: "She's not having my room, put her in the loft." Good idea, accept that at this current time in "life" I don't have the funds for a loft conversion..

So back to the day's activities.. let's see, how do you occupy five kids, and clear out the junk that has acumalated in the cupboards, and fix that broken cupboard door.. you know that one that you always say "I'll get to do it tommorow" and put up the extra shelves and manage to paint the kitchen at the sametime? Well that is on today's agenda, I will let you know!

You may wonder to yourself why am I doing all this.. Well as I said earlier my mother has decided that she wants to come and stay. Not going to divulge her "information" as to why. Maybe I could persuade her at a later date to write a blog.. she certainly has stories to tell. But also I have finally been told, after a three year wait, that I am to be admitted into hospital for a long awaited and long needed hysterectomy. So this gives me a month to organise 6 years chaotic mess! Any volunteers out there good with a hammer and drill?


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