"> Just another thought...

It's the things that make you go mmmm..

Kisa was a gift to me <3 Thank you for the memories..I also had BooCat adopted for me..Thank you for everything

Friday, May 12, 2017

Quick update

It would be nice... in fact it would be amazing to be with someone. Especially since I have this trip coming up to Barcelona. Would be nice to cuddle up to someone on the sandy shore. But I resigned myself to the fact I am probably going too stay single, a choice of my own doing.

As my children are getting older and becoming more independent, I look at my own future and wonder where to next. The world is my oyster as they say!  I don't want to end up like my mother. Disabled, feeling alone in the world and unable to be as active as she would like. I still have a cruise planned for myself. My friend and I were discussing some places which we would like to visit. Watch out world! I am thinking that I want to get a camper van as well at some point.. travel around this island and see some more of it.. The need to keep busy is very real!


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