"> Just another thought...

It's the things that make you go mmmm..

Kisa was a gift to me <3 Thank you for the memories..I also had BooCat adopted for me..Thank you for everything

Sunday, April 02, 2017


Do you ever.. like..have conversations with yourself and ask yourself them difficult questions that you don't really know the answers for? I find myself doing this a lot.  Few things have popped up on various different media out lets. Before it would have hurt like hell, now I sometimes smile when I remember or sometimes quickly close it depending on what has come up. I have a quote that says memories are more indelible than ink. At least ink fades with time. I am not sure when my memories will fade.. if ever. I often wonder if he even cares anymore.
I was talking to my close friend the other night. She has just split from a  partner and I said to her that she needs a past time. I mentioned that I took to reading of a book after, and the one that I have as yet is not finished. Her response was; must be a long book its been almost three years now. Does time really matter, can you really just "erase" things that you no longer wish to remember? I find that hard to think about.
Weather is getting nice again, been taking walks over the park and such. Will be taking grand baby over soon. Help her to ride her bike without the "stabilisers" on. I remember when I did that for my lot. Have to do it on the grass.. many a scraped knee otherwise!
Packing for holiday going ok..still have tons to do there though. Currency.. boarding passes and everything else.. book train tickets to get us there.. Im not driving there after what happened to my car last time.
My friend leaves for her trip tomorrow and she is panicking like crazy, I dont fancy her flight though.. eight hours in a plane is not quite my idea of fun. 


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